Carrier Services
In the majority of organizations today, the mention of transport services elicits a shudder in response. Embarking on an evaluation is daunting. A migration or new deployment is an endeavor of even greater magnitude. There is an extremely varied array of services available today. Subtle distinctions between transport providers have increased, adding additional elements to be wary of. Business processes vary from carrier to carrier, affecting customer service in requesting changes, accounting, and outages. These considerations are underscored by the volatility in a generally commoditized market.
Norcom Solutions created the Carrier Service Division specifically to assist our clients in navigating the firestorm of voice and data services. Our vast experience allows us to provide crystal clarity, distinguishing between the hype and categorical differentiation where the lines are often unclear and information subject to interpretation.
By design, Norcom has established relationships with many carriers. This benefits our clients in two significant ways. Most importantly, as vendor agnostic, we have no bias or allegiance to influence our recommendation. Providing options from a substantial pool of service providers allows us to design an architecture that prioritizes the client’s needs, from the full range of technology and services available.
The leverage and flexibility our approach provides is in direct contrast with the limitations inherent to working with one specific carrier. Secondly, the relationships have been deliberately formed with large scale providers to exploit buying power, allowing the rates and terms we are able to secure be more aggressive
than if a single entity were to negotiate on their own.
Norcom Solutions provides a substantial value through its objectivity and in-depth understanding of the complexities in this area of the communication industry.

In all business architecture, a form of traditional voice service is necessary.To that end, Norcom works with our clients to establish the dial tone appropriate to service the business, providing recommendations in a spectrum including full circuits with direct-inward-dialing; standard copper service; or
blended structure to serve single or multi-site organizations.

This category includes internet access service in all bandwidth ranges. Private network services, designed to establish connectivity between locations, serving both voice and data needs, are also critical means of transport in a multi-site environment. Whether the requirement is a hub and spoke
architecture or fully meshed, there are differences between carriers and the offerings that are important to know, but not always revealed. Norcom is highly skilled in developing the structural design and culling the options to be sure informed decisions are made.

Converged Services
Rapidly maturing converged technologies have expanded the realm of options to examine when developing a strategy. Voice over IP (VoIP) technology is mainstream and a viable inclusion to the communication environment. VoIP can be deployed in several ways, however, all of which have enormous impact on a business. It is important for an organization to have the proficiency of Norcom, as industry experts, decoding the terminology; illuminating the practicality of VoIP and exposing the total cost of deployment.
This core competency at Norcom affords our clients an impartial perspective to translate the chronically complicated and thorny service industry to a straightforward form and meaningful,understandable offering.
In the spirit of Norcom’s commitment as partner to our clients, our carrier division was developed to assist in determining and implementing the vital transport services to match the aspirations of the business.